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Bay's Books

A Danish Ginger's Point of View

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Peter Pan (Peter and Wendy) - J.M. Barrie, F.D. Bedford

Title: Peter Pan (Peter and Wendy)

Author: J.M. Barrie

Original Published Date: 1911

Pages: 260 

Edition Language: English

Format: Ebook

Category: Children's, Classic, Fantasy,


Review: I do not think there will be any need of a summary. It is the tale we all know, thanks to Walt Disney Studios, about the Boy who Wouldn't Grow Up. First made into a play, later the novel I read and then of course movies. 

I have always loved the Disney movie and I normally love old English children's classic, but not this time.

I don't know... Maybe I wasn't so much in the mood of it as I thought I was. I only know that in many parts of the book I just wanted it to end. I liked the beginning and I liked some passages (e.g. in the mermaid's lagoon), but else... no.

Peter is a bit annoying and John and Michael are vague characters.

Some parts were ... confusing. Maybe because it isn't my own language and I didn't concentrate, but on the other hand - had it been more exciting I would have made a bigger effort. 

But I won't deny the plot was original and if I was any younger I might have liked Peter even more. But right now I just didn't feel the magic...