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Bay's Books

A Danish Ginger's Point of View

Currently reading

Orange Is the New Black
Piper Kerman
Progress: 175/457 pages
The Host
Stephenie Meyer
Progress: 242/765 pages
Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China
Jung Chang
Progress: 368/618 pages

Books of March and Future Books of April


In my opinion it have been a great month. I have read a great deal of good books and once again I am satisfied with the amount of books I've read... Although two of them were plays - but Jeppe on the Hill was written in such old Danish that it reminded more of German, so that was a great challenge. 


But it is a new month, with new categories! 

Today is April Fool's Day and though I do not enjoy the pranks and such myself, it seems only naturally that this month's category should be humor and what is the opposite of humor? Tragedy! Just like an old fashioned greek play!


The choice for the humorous book is:




Salmon Fishing in the Yemen by Paul Torday is one of the best book I've ever read. I laughed out loud several times! I have for a long time wanted to reread it and now I think it is time again!


The tragic book will be:



Everyone seems to love The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I have not really wanted to read him myself, but now I am giving him a chance. Who knows? Maybe I will need to buy a lot of John Green-books when I'm done. I have of course heard a lot about it and my conclusion is that this would be a good choice for a bit of tragedy.


And for my book club's choice of the month it is Hopeless by Colleen Hoover. I have once read her book Slammed, but I was not so positive. It is time to give her a second chance!



These was my books of March and my TBR of April. Looking once again forward to new books!